Xiaomi Nepal launched the Redmi Earphones in Nepal as a part of the “Celebrate Dahsain with Mi” campaign for the upcoming festive season. The main selling point of the earphones is that it brings Hi-Res audio support on a budget under Rs. 1,000. Let’s check out how the Redmi Earphones performs in real-life in our detailed review.
Redmi Earphones Specifications:
- Design: Aluminum main body, anti-earwax earplugs
- Weight: 13 grams
- Drivers: 10mm Dynamic driver; 32 Ohm; Hi-Res Audio certified
- Connectivity: Wired (3.5mm headphone jack)
- Wire: 1.2m Y-shaped wire
- Control: Single Multi-function Button
- Water resistance: No
- Microphone: Yes, built-in
- Color options: Black, Blue, Red
- Price in Nepal: Rs. 749
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